Friday, May 17, 2013


There have over time being a lot of controversies on the issue of eternal security in Christ and I deem it fit to bring some light irrespective of how controversial it may seem. There is indeed eternal security in Christ which can be supported scripturally "For this is the way * God loved the world: He gave his one and only * Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish *but have eternal life. * " the truth is that many are not saved even though they have answered several alter-calls, because if a man be in Christ old things must pass away and all things must become new. The fact that you fall doesn't mean that you are no longer God's child or you are longer a eternally secured. NO! The most important thing is that you must never remain their. From the day you gave your life to Jesus, you stopped being the devil's property and you started being the apple of God's eyes. You were tattooed and engraved upon the palms of His hands. You are eternally secured.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Saying these words to somebody may actually sound a bit flattery, but the truth is that it is the TRUTH. there is a whole lot locked up on the inside of us and the time to manifest them is NOW. It would have been a complete mistake if we were created some centuries ago but we were not because our God does not make mistake rather he makes all things beautiful in his own time. It is now important for you and I to go on a journey of discovering the wonderful gift of God that is locked up on the inside of us if we must take advantage of this wonderful TIME of our lives in other to affect our generation positively.
I am so convinced that there is a great deposit of great resources of God on the inside of you and you must never allow it to lie low but do something about it for the whole world is waiting for you because the is your time ever.